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Praxeology as a challenge: modelling the tacit dimensions of pedagogy

Praxeology as a challenge: modelling the tacit dimensions of pedagogy
Feldname Details
Vorliegende Sprache eng
Hinweise auf parallele Ausgaben 383596424 Druckausg.: ‡Praxeology as a challenge
ISBN 978-3-8309-2651-1
Name Herbert, Anna ¬[Hrsg.]¬
T I T E L Praxeology as a challenge
Zusatz zum Titel modelling the tacit dimensions of pedagogy
Verlagsort Münster
Verlag Waxmann
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Umfang Online-Ressource
Reihe European Studies on Educational Practices ; 3
European studies on educational practices
Band 3
Titelhinweis Available in another formISBN: 978-3-8309-2651-1
Druckausg.: ‡Praxeology as a challenge
ISBN ISBN 978-3-8309-7651-6
Klassifikation 1570
DF 3000
Kurzbeschreibung The question, 'how to do things with words?' (John L. Austin) could characterize the field of pedagogy in general, if not also practices, structural and material aspects had to be taken into account. The empirical question how social practices constitute a (binding) reality comes close to the praxeological perspective. On one side, 'praxeology' is a specific methodological approach to explore practices empirically. On the other side, it covers philosophical or sociological theories of action regarding sociality as generated by social practices and contextual structures. Practices are supposed to transmit, constitute and create ?establish e.g. social orders. The focus lies on corporal, performative and emergent aspects of the practices. All the mainly empirical studies in this volume deal with the praxeological question how sociality is generated in dynamic and relational actions in a pedagogical frame.
1. Schlagwortkette Pädagogik
SWB-Titel-Idn 411039822
Signatur E-Book UTB-scholars EBS
Bemerkungen Elektronischer Volltext - Campuslizenz
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