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Courting Dissolution: Adumbration, Alterity, and the Dislocation of Sacrifice from Space to Image

Courting Dissolution: Adumbration, Alterity, and the Dislocation of Sacrifice from Space to Image
Feldname Details
Vorliegende Sprache eng
ISBN 978-3-8376-3574-4
Name Lent, Michael ¬[VerfasserIn]¬
T I T E L Courting Dissolution
Zusatz zum Titel Adumbration, Alterity, and the Dislocation of Sacrifice from Space to Image
Verlagsort Bielefeld
Verlag transcript Verlag
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Umfang 1 Online-Ressource
Reihe Image ; 98
ISBN ISBN 978-3-8394-3574-8
Klassifikation ABA;JHB;RGC;JF
Kurzbeschreibung Michael Lent asks what role art has in colonisation and subsequent dissolution. He proposes a practice informed by the fatal strategies and 'raw' phenomenology of Jean Baudrillard as a challenge to a system of disappearance. Focusing on the otherness of space to prevent its ultimate dissolution, Lent promotes a spatial practice of radical alterity. Examining ideas of disappearance put forth by Baudrillard and Paul Virilio, he utilises art as a means for investigating loss of potentiality and experience through the representation of space, shifting their ideas - originally ascribed to objects - into a new emphasis.This book ultimately attempts to break a cyclical system that causes everything to disappear into representation and equivalency.
SWB-Titel-Idn 504078631
Signatur E-Book UTB-scholars EBS
Bemerkungen Elektronischer Volltext - Campuslizenz
Elektronische Adresse $u
Internetseite / Link Verlag
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