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Sea – Wind – Power: Research at the first German offshore wind farm Alpha Ventus

Sea – Wind – Power: Research at the first German offshore wind farm Alpha Ventus
Feldname Details
Vorliegende Sprache eng
ISBN 978-3-662-53178-5
Name Lange, Bernhard ¬[Hrsg.]¬
Durstewitz, Michael ¬[Hrsg.]¬
Name ANZEIGE DER KETTE Durstewitz, Michael ¬[Hrsg.]¬
T I T E L Sea – Wind – Power
Zusatz zum Titel Research at the first German offshore wind farm Alpha Ventus
Verlagsort Berlin, Heidelberg
Verlag Springer
Erscheinungsjahr 2017
Umfang Online-Ressource (XXV, 252 p. 176 illus. in color, online resource)
Reihe SpringerLink. Bücher
Titelhinweis Druckausg.ISBN: 978-3-662-53178-5
Printed editionISBN: 978-3-662-53178-5
ISBN ISBN 978-3-662-53179-2
Klassifikation PDZ
Kurzbeschreibung This book reports on the objectives, methods used and difficulties faced by the RAVE research projects, and presents the results and their significance for the future use of offshore wind energy in a style that is understandable for everyone. Readers are given a comprehensive and comprehensible overview of the current status of offshore wind energy research and the results of the research activities. Offshore wind energy will play a significant role in our future energy supply, yet this development has really only just begun. A large team of experts from the fields of research, industry, public administration and government therefore set themselves the goal of investigating the current and fundamental issues relating to the use of offshore wind energy. Over 100 researchers in the RAVE (Research at Alpha Ventus) initiative worked on interdisciplinary research projects with the aim of expanding our knowledge and finding application-oriented solutions for offshore wind energy. Their work has contributed to establishing offshore wind energy as a reliable, sustainable and economical long term source of energy. The Alpha Ventus test field, Germany’s first offshore wind farm, provided the prerequisites for this research. The wind farm was furnished with a large number of measuring instruments, and the over 1200 measurement parameters recorded can now be accessed in a central research archive. The RAVE initiative researchers thus have the unique opportunity of using a great amount of measurement data recorded at an operational wind farm. The data is evaluated locally at research facilities across the whole of Germany. The Authors Project managers and employees of the RAVE research initiative, copy edited by Björn Johnsen The Editors Michael Durstewitz and Bernhard Lange (Fraunhofer IWES)
2. Kurzbeschreibung Foreword by the German Federal Minister of Economics and Energy -- Foreword by the Chair of the Offshore Wind Energy Foundation -- CSI Test Field, CSI Offshore -- Credits -- Metamorphoses of an offshore wind farm -- Who, what, when, why and above all - whereto? -- A thousand sensors, from the blade tip to the bottom of the sea -- A firm hold in rough seas -- Life goes on -- Please avoid tilting -- Uncharted territory on the seabed -- Long-lived despite harsh winds -- Wind in the blades -- The wiser blade knows when to yield -- The "exclusively -- “Get out of my wind” -- Load, load monitoring, and load reduction -- Different than previously assumed -- Sometimes it almost bubbles like a witches’ cauldron -- Artificial intelligence and automatic self-organisation -- Well, how are they running? -- Wind, the wild boy in the power plant family -- The most important environmental project in a German offshore wind farm -- Much hubble-bubble about nothing? -- Like the din in a university canteen -- Out of sight, out of mind? -- When the Nautilus struggles during a dive -- A bit too much salt of the earth -- SOS on Offshore Platform Seven
1. Schlagwortkette Windpark
Windpark alpha ventus
ANZEIGE DER KETTE Windpark -- Windkraftwerk -- Offshorebauwerk -- Windenergie -- Elektrizitätserzeugung -- Netzbetrieb -- Windpark alpha ventus
2. Schlagwortkette Windenergie
ANZEIGE DER KETTE Windenergie -- Windkraftwerk -- Offshore-Technik
3. Schlagwortkette Windkraftwerk
ANZEIGE DER KETTE Windkraftwerk -- Meer -- Umweltfaktor
SWB-Titel-Idn 480944482
Signatur Springer E-Book
Bemerkungen Elektronischer Volltext - Campuslizenz
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