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Soil Enzymes: Influence of Sugar Industry Effluents on Soil Enzyme Activities

Soil Enzymes: Influence of Sugar Industry Effluents on Soil Enzyme Activities
Feldname Details
Vorliegende Sprache eng
ISBN 978-3-319-42654-9
Name Maddela, Naga Raju
Golla, Narasimha
Name ANZEIGE DER KETTE Golla, Narasimha
Name Vengatampalli, Rangaswamy
T I T E L Soil Enzymes
Zusatz zum Titel Influence of Sugar Industry Effluents on Soil Enzyme Activities
Verlagsort Cham
Verlag Springer
Erscheinungsjahr 2017
Umfang Online-Ressource (VII, 51 p. 24 illus., 22 illus. in color, online resource)
Reihe SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science
Titelhinweis Druckausg.ISBN: 978-3-319-42654-9
Printed editionISBN: 978-3-319-42654-9
ISBN ISBN 978-3-319-42655-6
Klassifikation PSG
Kurzbeschreibung This book addresses issues arising from discharge of effluents from sugar industry on to surrounding land or into a water body such as physicochemical properties of soil, changes in the micro flora, quantification of soil enzyme activities as influenced by effluents. Disposal of effluents without neutralization has become general practice. These effluents are chemically heterogeneous, contain organic and inorganic pollutants including, sugar baggage, molasses, carbonates, bicarbonates. The impact of sugar industry effluents on microbial activities in terrestrial ecosystem is scanty. There is also significant interest in the study of soil enzymes because such effect reflects the potential capacity of a soil to perform certain biological transformation of soil fertility
2. Kurzbeschreibung Chapter 1 Soil collection -- Chapter 2 Soil physicochemical properties -- Chapter 3 Soil microbiological properties -- Chapter 4 Soil incubation studies -- Chapter 5 Soil protease -- Chapter 6 Soil cellulose -- Chapter 7 Soil amylase -- Chapter 8 Soil invertase
1. Schlagwortkette Boden
2. Schlagwortkette Zuckerindustrie
ANZEIGE DER KETTE Zuckerindustrie -- Bodenverschmutzung
SWB-Titel-Idn 479368562
Signatur Springer E-Book
Bemerkungen Elektronischer Volltext - Campuslizenz
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