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Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices

Musical Instruments in the 21st Century: Identities, Configurations, Practices
Feldname Details
Vorliegende Sprache eng
Hinweise auf parallele Ausgaben 483528307 Druckausg.: ‡Musical instruments in the 21st century
ISBN 978-981-10-2950-9
Name Bovermann, Till ¬[HerausgeberIn]¬
Campo, Alberto ¬de¬ ¬[HerausgeberIn]¬
ANZEIGE DER KETTE Campo, Alberto ¬de¬ ¬[HerausgeberIn]¬
Name Egermann, Hauke ¬[HerausgeberIn]¬
Hardjowirogo, Sarah-Indriyati ¬[HerausgeberIn]¬
Weinzierl, Stefan ¬[HerausgeberIn]¬
T I T E L Musical Instruments in the 21st Century
Zusatz zum Titel Identities, Configurations, Practices
Verlagsort Singapore
Verlag Springer
Erscheinungsjahr 2017
Umfang Online-Ressource (VII, 412 p. 95 illus., 50 illus. in color, online resource)
Reihe SpringerLink. Bücher
Titelhinweis Druckausg.: ‡Musical instruments in the 21st century
ISBN ISBN 978-981-10-2951-6
Klassifikation TTA
1441188371 LR 11188
Kurzbeschreibung By exploring the many different types and forms of contemporary musical instruments, this book contributes to a better understanding of the conditions of instrumentality in the 21st century. Providing insights from science, humanities and the arts, authors from a wide range of disciplines discuss the following questions: · What are the conditions under which an object is recognized as a musical instrument? · What are the actions and procedures typically associated with musical instruments? · What kind of (mental and physical) knowledge do we access in order to recognize or use something as a musical instrument? · How is this knowledge being shaped by cultural conventions and temporal conditions? · How do algorithmic processes 'change the game' of musical performance, and as a result, how do they affect notions of instrumentality? · How do we address the question of instrumental identity within an instrument's design process? · What properties can be used to differentiate successful and unsuccessful instruments? Do these properties also contribute to the instrumentality of an object in general? What does success mean within an artistic, commercial, technological, or scientific context?
1. Schlagwortkette Elektronisches Musikinstrument
ANZEIGE DER KETTE Elektronisches Musikinstrument
SWB-Titel-Idn 482167289
Signatur Springer E-Book
Bemerkungen Elektronischer Volltext - Campuslizenz
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