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Early Software Reliability Prediction: A Fuzzy Logic Approach

Early Software Reliability Prediction: A Fuzzy Logic Approach
Feldname Details
Vorliegende Sprache eng
ISBN 978-81-322-1175-4
Name Pandey, Ajeet Kumar
Goyal, Neeraj Kumar
Name ANZEIGE DER KETTE Goyal, Neeraj Kumar
T I T E L Early Software Reliability Prediction
Zusatz zum Titel A Fuzzy Logic Approach
Verlagsort India
Verlag Springer
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Umfang Online-Ressource (XIX, 153 p. 48 illus, online resource)
Reihe Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing ; 303
Titelhinweis Druckausg.ISBN: 978-81-3221175-4
ISBN ISBN 978-81-322-1176-1
ISBN 978-81-3221176-1
Klassifikation UYQ
Kurzbeschreibung The development of software system with acceptable level of reliability and quality within available time frame and budget becomes a challenging objective. This objective could be achieved to some extent through early prediction of number of faults present in the software, which reduces the cost of development as it provides an opportunity to make early corrections during development process. The book presents an early software reliability prediction model that will help to grow the reliability of the software systems by monitoring it in each development phase, i.e. from requirement phase to testing phase. Different approaches are discussed in this book to tackle this challenging issue. An important approach presented in this book is a model to classify the modules into two categories (a) fault-prone and (b) not fault-prone. The methods presented in this book for assessing expected number of faults present in the software, assessing expected number of faults present at the end of each phase and classification of software modules in fault-prone or no fault-prone category are easy to understand, develop and use for any practitioner. The practitioners are expected to gain more information about their development process and product reliability, which can help to optimize the resources used
SWB-Titel-Idn 392252716
Signatur Springer E-Book
Bemerkungen Elektronischer Volltext - Campuslizenz
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