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Efficient Methods for WCDMA Radio Network Planning and Optimization

Efficient Methods for WCDMA Radio Network Planning and Optimization
Feldname Details
Vorliegende Sprache eng
Hinweise auf parallele Ausgaben 272901288 Druckausg.: ‡Türke, Ulrich: Efficient methods for WCDMA radio network planning and optimization
ISBN 978-3-8350-0903-5
Name Türke, Ulrich
T I T E L Efficient Methods for WCDMA Radio Network Planning and Optimization
Verlagsort Wiesbaden
Verlag Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag
Erscheinungsjahr 2007
Umfang Online-Ressource (XXV, 165p. 70 illus, online resource)
Reihe SpringerLink. Bücher
Weiterer Inhalt CONTENTS; List of Abbreviations; List of Symbols; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Introduction; 2 The WCDMA Air Interface; 2.1 UMTS Network Architecture; 2.2 UTRA-FDD Protocols; 2.2.1 Physical Layer; 2.2.2 Data Link Layer; 2.2.3 Network Layer; 2.2.4 High Speed Packet Access Extensions; 2.3 Radio Resource Management; 2.3.1 Soft Handover; 2.3.2 Power Control; 2.3.3 Admission Control; 2.3.4 Congestion Control; 3 Modeling the Wireless Transmission Channel; 3.1 Macro Path Loss Prediction; 3.1.1 Basic Propagation Models; 3.1.2 Empirical Prediction Models; 3.1.3 Improved Models; 3.2 Shadow Fading. 3.2.1 Modeling of Spatial Correlation3.2.2 Modeling of Link Correlation; 3.2.3 Implementation in Simulations; 3.3 Fast Fading; 3.4 Antenna Modeling; 3.5 Signal and Interference Levels; 3.5.1 Effective Interference Raise; 3.5.2 Power Control Headroom; 3.5.3 Soft-Handover Gain; 4 Monte-Carlo Snapshot Analysis; 4.1 The Monte-Carlo Method; 4.1.1 General Concept; 4.1.2 Convergence Estimation; 4.2 Simple Analysis Example; 4.3 Variance Reduction Techniques; 4.3.1 Importance Sampling; 4.3.2 Stratified Sampling; 4.3.3 Control Variates; 4.3.4 Correlated Sampling; 4.4 Conclusions. 5 Snapshot Analysis for WCDMA Network Performance Evaluation5.1 Basic Analysis Loop; 5.2 Snapshot Generation; 5.3 Modeling of Dynamics; 5.4 System Constraints and Limits; 5.5 Cell Based Radio Performance Evaluation; 5.5.1 Uplink Equations; 5.5.2 Downlink Equations; 5.5.3 Soft Handover; 5.5.4 Iterative Solution; 5.6 Resource Scheduling; 5.6.1 QoS Concept; 5.6.2 Analysis Algorithm; 5.6.3 Application Example; 5.7 Method Extensions; 5.7.1 Multi Carrier Analysis; 5.7.2 HSPA Analysis; 5.8 Application of Variance Reduction Techniques; 5.8.1 Control Variates; 5.8.2 Correlated Sampling. 5.9 Validation of Results5.9.1 Limitations; 5.10 Conclusions; 6 Analytical Performance Evaluation; 6.1 Static Load Estimation; 6.1.1 Average Required Link Power; 6.1.2 Cell Assignment; 6.1.3 Serving Probability; 6.1.4 Coverage Probability; 6.1.5 Characteristic Cell Power Equations; 6.1.6 Application Example: Static Load Estimation; 6.2 Statistical Load Estimation; 6.2.1 Serving Probabilities; 6.2.2 Coverage Probability; 6.2.3 Characteristic Cell Power Equations; 6.2.4 Application Example: Statistical Load Estimation; 6.3 Extended Statistical Load Estimation; 6.3.1 Average Required Link Power. 6.3.2 Characteristic Cell Power Equations6.3.3 Application: Extended Statistical Load Estimation; 6.4 Evaluation of Per Pixel Quantities; 6.4.1 Pilot RSCP; 6.4.2 Soft-Handover Probability; 6.4.3 Pilot Quality; 6.4.4 Downlink Connection Power; 6.4.5 Uplink Connection Power; 6.5 Practical Implementation; 6.6 Conclusions; 7 Automated Network Optimization; 7.1 Optimization Parameters and Targets; 7.2 Optimization based on Fast Heuristic; 7.3 Search Based Optimization; 7.3.1 A Brief Introduction to Local Search; 7.3.2 Application of Local Search to Radio Network Planning. 7.3.3 Advanced Search Algorithm
Titelhinweis Druckausg.: ‡Türke, Ulrich: Efficient methods for WCDMA radio network planning and optimization
ISBN ISBN 978-3-8350-5456-1
Klassifikation KJQ
ZN 6560
AP 38000
Kurzbeschreibung The WCDMA Air Interface -- Modeling the Wireless Transmission Channel -- Monte-Carlo Snapshot Analysis -- Monte-Carlo Snapshot Analysis for WCDMA Network Performance Evaluation -- Analytical Performance Evaluation -- Automated Network Optimization -- Conclusions and Outlook
2. Kurzbeschreibung Elaborate planning is of paramount importance for the cost-efficient implementation and operation of modern mobile radio networks. Fast and precise methods for the performance evaluation are key ingredients of the planning process. Current planning methods, however, often lack accuracy and computational efficiency. Ulrich Türke introduces innovative models and algorithms for the evaluation of WCDMA/UMTS network performance. He establishes an advanced snapshot analysis method which allows the efficient and accurate analysis of large radio networks. The author develops two statistical evaluation methods which furnish quick approximations of relevant results from snapshot simulations. Finally, he discusses the application of these methods to automatic network optimization. The developed strategies are successfully applied in a commercial radio network planning and optimization tool
1. Schlagwortkette WCDMA
SWB-Titel-Idn 28057892X
Signatur Springer E-Book
Bemerkungen Elektronischer Volltext - Campuslizenz
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